Eddington Quote on Carnegie Mellon Wall

Went to see our neighbor, Terry Collins, receive a Heinz Chair for Green Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon. Teresa Heinz and her sons were there and it was a nice ceremony.  Plus, he received an actual chair which was red, in addition to the prestigious post! When I left the award reception I passed by a slope of azaleas in full bloom and tried to make sense of the quote on the wall in front of me.  Sir Arthur Eddington.  You will probably figure it out much quicker than I did. If you want further thought on topic of entropy click on word.

Hint: You have to start at the end and read backwards. Something to think about.

5 thoughts on “Eddington Quote on Carnegie Mellon Wall

  1. I’ll be thinking while my computer is being repaired…
    You keep challenging us Ruth because you challenge yourself.

  2. I LOVE this! And I am so impressed with your daily post/ practice, Ruth. (But I’d remove the Hint!)

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