Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival

My friend V said let’s go to the Renaissance Festival. She’d been with her niece more than a decade ago and they’d enjoyed it so much they went the next year.  She saw it on the news.
We looked it up in the paper, got the details and set out for a fun Sunday, the last day before the students start school!

It was like  taking a trip back in time.  And a good photo opportunity.

Too bad I left my camera battery charging in the wall at home so I couldn’t use my camera.  Yep.  A cell phone captured the day.


This nice festival goer said that the festival is a break from his mundane reality,

handmade Leather Boots
handmade Leather Boots



Pretzel seller


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18 thoughts on “Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival

  1. Seems everyone was having a good time – players and visitors. Have a great school year Ruth E

  2. Looks like a lot of fun looking at the “olden” days. Love that BIG bubble. Nice to enjoy a day before going back to the grind of kids & teaching. Have a great year!!

  3. Are cellphone camera’s great or what?
    I went earlier this year to a Rennaisance Faire too. It was fun. I like the costumes people wear & the various treasures for sale along the way.

  4. I really like the bubbles and boots. One thing I so adore about your photography is that you capture life and the funness (is that a word)!!!!

  5. My daughter would love to be part of this festival, Ruth. She loves dressing up and corsets 🙂 I’m in love with the fairy and the unicorn (especially the unicorn 🙂 )

  6. Pingback: The Orples Go To The Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival - | Orples

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