Hot Air Makes All the Difference

Inflatables at rest.

I took this from my car before sunset Sunday evening
Santa needed some hot air

When we got back to the neighborhood on Sunday night, it was dark outside but the characters were not inflated so I couldn’t get the “after” photo.

Fortunately on Monday night my friend V captured the inflated characters. Thank you.

Michael Captures Inflatables from the Passenger Seat

Great to have three grandkids visit for a few days. We were headed to the Children’s Museum.

Michael, 10, caught these with my camera on the phone. Teamwork makes blogging fun!

 I caught the three of them by the high water mark sign.

We went by way  of Millvale  because I forgot the French bakery was closed on Mondays. No brioche.


Michaels edit, too. 
N Northside trio of inflatable snowmen


Inflatables to the nth Power + Reflections on the Car = ?

A math problem with no answer.  It could take years to calculate.  At Thanksgiving we saw a yard with 31 inflatables but they were all deflated in the daylight, it just isn’t the same effect.  Joan B found this house for me, too.

And I spoke to the owner and she said her husband had been ill and they had really scaled down this year (2008).  Pre-blog  I realize I have been at this for a time now. Shot on the  Northside.

What can the electricity bill be this month?

Inflatables Season Begins

I am fascinated by these monstrosities....I mean yard decor!

There is no explanation as to why I photograph these items.  Last year it was the Inflatable Turkeys and then a new one today- Frankenstein.  I hear they are expensive.  I guess I just don’t understand how they have caught on.  Surely the grandchildren would love a yard full of inflatables.  They remind me of those plastic clown punching bags you’d bop in the nose and it would fall  over and right itself, still smiling. They seem to be getting larger!