What 30 years of being played with, slept with, and loved the best looks like on a favorite doll!

Another view from yesterday’s story- Baby Doll’s sister in her box since 1979.  Anna(6) set up the dolls for me to photograph and added the birthday card.

Best Loved Baby Doll on the Right, Factory Twin on Left b. 1979
Best Loved Baby Doll on the Right, Factory Twin on Left b. 1979

3 thoughts on “What 30 years of being played with, slept with, and loved the best looks like on a favorite doll!

  1. Pingback: Their Eyes Looked at Me as I Walked By- I Had to Photograph Them « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  2. Pingback: Sisters Separated at Production in the Doll Factory « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

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