Time Flying in Stained Glass (2)

It was a different kind of day. Testing. I was a helper-outer on the second floor  the first two periods.  When I returned to the art room I came down a stairwell I don’t use. The window with the sun coming through. An hourglass with wings?  All those inventors and scientists. I wondered what ones the students would know. It was my prep. I went to the art room and got my camera.  I remember a statue of Howe in Seaside Park in Bridgeport CT where I went to college.  Remembered I lived on Howe St. when we first moved to Pittsburgh. I had to look up McCormick. Cyrus.  And George Stephenson.  Good thing it wasn’t Jeopardy with the category of inventors.  An unexpected find at school today. The hourglass with wings struck me. Scroll down to see the detail shot.

Coming down the stairs
What I Found at School Today.

6 thoughts on “Time Flying in Stained Glass (2)

  1. Time flies when you’re having fun – and even when you’re not!!
    Gorgeous photo. Inspirational window!!! Nice!

  2. WOW! What a wonderful school building you work in! You are right, it almost looks like a church building. In the DC area, I’ve worked in buildings built during the open classroom-pod era. The worst one was a high school which was built into pod areas for each department – English pod, Science pod, foreign language pod, etc. The teachers’ office was one huge room in the middle of the pod. The pods were connected by a main hall. When it was apparent that the pods weren’t working, individual classrooms were made using office-like dividers. Noise carried through out the area over the dividers from classroom to classroom, and the hallway between the classroom cubicles became so crowded it was impossible to walk without shoving your way between bodies! We tried to improve the traffic flow by making the students move only in one direction. Then we had to expand the time between periods so students could traverse from one end of the pod to the other and get to the next class which would be in another pod off the main hall. So much for modern education and its buildings!!!

    • No stained class windows and polished railings in the schools in my area of the country! Lucky you!

  3. the elementary school I went to had the most beautiful marble floors and steps. They do not make schools like they use too.

  4. I’m glad for the enlargement–beautiful!
    Long ago, I went to a one room school house for eight grades with a wood bench up front where each grade took their turn to work with the teacher.
    The beauty of it was in its dependability. A red brick building by the side of the road.

  5. BEAUTIFUL! Only the cities have schools like this! My little school in Leavenworth, KS had four classrooms. Two grades per room.
    But we did have a room with a piano for Music. Now I see schools like this and wonder who walked these halls, who graduated
    from this school, and what difference have they made in the world?
    This photo is so inspiring to me…….schools now are built so sterile and cold…..Fire Marshall says: Nothing on the walls, nothing
    can hang from the ceilings……sterile………not a warm and friendly place to learn for children!
    Thank you, Ruthie

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