Formerly a Home, Now Torn Down

Where a house used to be. A vacant lot.

Wonder what it was like to be in the home that still stands when the demolition took place? If you want to know how to demolish a home in a “green way” click here

6 thoughts on “Formerly a Home, Now Torn Down

  1. My dad used to take us to a restaurant called Meadow Grill years ago — great Italian food. Maybe it was the one mentioned.

    We saw a history of a house exhibit in The Minneapolis Museum a year or so ago. Very interesting – they had items from each owner as the house changed hands over the years from a single family home to apartments. Some rooms were recreated. It was well done, and fun learning about the various people who lived in the house. The original owners had the same last name as friends of ours – so we took a picture for them.

    The Southside house does look sad! Some things are built to last – some not!

  2. Look at the contrast between the front of the house and the side of it. It makes me wonder if it could be salvaged.

  3. I always look at the side of buildings like this. To me they look like pieces of art.I had a favorite on the way from town to Oakland.It had beautiful squares of turquoise. I think it’s gone now.

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