” When You Care Enough…

to send the very best.”  Slogan originated in 1944. I used to send more greeting cards. They’d be late sometimes. Most times.  Some remember every occasion and send a lovely card. Well, one friend in particular I know.  And on time, too. I used to read cards as a stress relief.  Find an envelope if it was missing.

This display is current not vintage. Schwartz's Market South Side.

8 thoughts on “” When You Care Enough…

  1. It reminds me of the card displays at the old five and tens. There was one in Squirrel Hill called Autenrites (sic)

  2. Wow! Right here in my neighborhood and I would have missed it if not for you. Thanks.

  3. This society has forgotten how to remember and acknowledge each other…very sad. Always sent & received cards from/to family members for Valentines, Easter, T;giving & XMas…rather miss that human part of my life.

  4. I used to have wonderful pen pals who would write to me every week and I really looked forward to the mail. Long letters were fun to write and fun to receive. Now, it’s such a shame that it’s all done in e-mails and that the public takes advantage sometimes of the anonymity and they are cruel. I say “bring back the old days and old ways.”

  5. Ruth! You are amazing, finding things all over Pittsburgh! My friend Elisa Beck, her family owns / runs the Schwartz market!! I am sure that she will be both surprise and delighted to receive this!!! XOXOXOOX Erica

  6. i love a good card. i save the good ones…i have ones from my grandmother and great aunts who have passed, and reading them always makes me smile.

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