Mt. Washington Tower and the Full Moon

On Shiloh Street there is a 350 foot tower. Here is a piece of it and the full moon from the impromptu Tuesday night shoot.

Just last year I was on the hunt for Inflatable Turkeys. To me this is much more dramatic.

Guess this will be the Thanksgiving post. Handheld, RB, no tripod. Propped camera on the side of a telephone pole.

Shiloh Street Mt. Washington
Reminds me of a Cape Canaveral image.

4 thoughts on “Mt. Washington Tower and the Full Moon

  1. I’m thankful for you, Ruth, your on-going energy and hugh variety of interests which you share so freely with everyone. Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family! LOVE, Erica

  2. Does anyone else see the outline of a turkey in the clouds of smoke??? Thanks for always reminding us to look Ruth. Happy Thanksgiving.

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