NYC Sidewalk Scene: a Writing Prompt?

Shoes in the street,
a single one by the curb.
This time a pair.
What shoes say about us.
In whose shoes would
you walk that mile?
Feel what their life is like.
Garbage that didn’t make it into the truck on pickup day?  I have photographed other shoes and flip flops found on the street.  Makes me wonder who was walking around in them before they were abandoned.

7 thoughts on “NYC Sidewalk Scene: a Writing Prompt?

  1. Oh-Here’s the story.Ate the pizza. Their feet became swollen. Took off their shoes and ran home to get Benadryl. It was an allergic reaction to the anchovies.

  2. Notice how one shoe is pointed one way and the other the other way? The Invisible Man was confused after he ate the pizza because the mean people put some awful drug in his pizza and he disintegrated right where he was.

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