What is He Thinking?

What Is He Trying to Say?


Murphy the Airedale. Again.  I was sifting through files and saw him looking at me.  This was shot at Thanksgiving time in Hardy, Virginia.  The day we were attempting the Christmas card photo with the kids all in red.


23 thoughts on “What is He Thinking?

  1. He is thinking: “Doesn’t it seem like yesterday that we were trying to take Christmas photos and no one was cooperating?”

  2. He was thinking “Bummer, I have to go back to Ohio tomorrow, I just love chasing the horses and cows in Pap’s backyard. My visit here go so fast.” Or he could be thinking “tomorrow we go home and I am going to have to squeeze into my little spot and listen to Maura cry most of the 6 1/2 hour trip.”

  3. Well, I’m not sure who captures my attention more – Murphy or the adorable munchkin with hands on hips!!! What is SHE thinking???

  4. Murphy is a little grumpy. Why is she looking at the cows and not me? A great picture caught with a sharp eye. A fun moment.

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