11 thoughts on “You Write the Story

  1. Michael had always been a bit indirect. When Sarah fell pregnant he failed to react the way she wanted him to.
    He hesitated.
    She wanted him to hug her and tell her how pleased he was.
    He was pleased but he was also a bit shocked. To say that he wasn’t expecting this was an understatement.
    She didn’t take his hesitation well.
    She cried. She cried a lot.
    Belatedly he told he was extremely happy about this news but by now she was inconsolable.
    He went away. It seemed like the wise thing to do.
    He knew that he would have to convince her that he was ‘on board’. That he wanted the child and that he wanted her.
    He found the high chair and the small table in the local second hand store.
    He placed them outside her house where he knew she would find them.
    He hoped that she would understand.
    The high chair was for the baby and the table was for her. A small table just big enough to hold her dreams.


  2. Billy was always a good eater. His little hands made fists around bite-size bits of food, and he shoveled them in to his open mouth with clumsy gestures.

    As Billy became Bill, he moved from his high chair to a proper table. But he and his mum lived in a small apartment, so the table was of the folding variety (so that it could be set to the side each night after dinner to make room for the pull-out bed).

    Some time later Bill became William, and needed to move out of his mum’s place and make his own way in the world. Yet he and his mum still share meals together – but now at his home. And he remains a good eater.

  3. Although the signs clearly stated that Bob’s Big Buffet was for adults only, they did offer seating for one child on a “first come” basis.

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