What’s Your Guilty Pleasure Comfort Food? One of a series…..

Okay, it’s not good for you.  I know it!   Beanie Weenies.  

Here’s the recipe. Cut a package of hot dogs like coins.

Throw in pan and turn up the gas flame.

Open can of beans

and pour over sizzling “meat”.

Simmer and serve.

Buttered toast on the side optional.

Yep, it’s dark outside, every day getting shorter and shorter and  the winter looms.  (actually today felt like Spring so let me think of a different excuse)

It’s easy. You have it in the house and don’t have to go to the store.

And you have a taste for something simple that isn’t good for you.  It’s on your mind.

My friend said you can go through a lot, getting to what you wanted in the first place.


Make it, eat it, be aware it isn’t a healthy choice.

My vegan, veg, Paleo, Primal, non-processed food, gourmet bloggers, and real- food conscious friends and family will have to avert their eyes today.


Weenies sliced like coins


I think it is the lighting from the range hood that gives it the unreal color cast.   I hope.


Simmer Baked BeansAlmost ready.  Don’t read any labels.  Enjoy.

Beanie Weenie SupperPut  your knitting aside.                           Try to not spill supper onto fleece robe and plaid pajamas.

13 thoughts on “What’s Your Guilty Pleasure Comfort Food? One of a series…..

  1. Great choice of comfort food – they may not be healthy but at least they’re kosher 🙂

  2. Ruth,

    I love all of your posts..you are not only a talented photographer your writing is a joy to read.

    As for this post, one word…YUM!

    Happy Holidays,


  3. I can appreciate how comforting the meal looks amid your comfy robe and knitting. 😉 Before I was vegetarian/vegan, one of my favorite comfort foods was Kraft Mac & Cheese with sliced up hot dogs in it.

  4. Ruth — Beans and hot dogs have ALWAYS been Jonathan’s favorite meal, along with some buttered Grands Biscuits! So, you enjoy that pot of love and don’t think a thing about all the calories — they are warming, comforting calories!

  5. Boy, Ruth, does this dish ever bring back the memories! I’ve not had it in ages but sure did love it as a boy. Looking at that last photo, I’m pretty sure that my love hasn’t diminished one bit(e). 🙂

  6. Pingback: Health Conscious Eaters Don’t Look Today | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

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