Brand New Today

Brand new today.   I was wondering what to post for this week’s photo challenge.

We went to a delicious brunch at our friends’  home Saturday morning.
I received this unexpected gift- at first I thought it was a whisk broom for clothes – but no, can you guess?

It’s a cake tester!  Perfect for a baker.  A cake baker.  Just need an occasion to bake a cake.
Pull a broom straw and insert in the cake’s center to test the cake’s doneness.  Make sure it comes out clean.

I’m hanging my brand new cake tester on the pot rack right next to the over door as the little verse suggests.

Thanks Rich and Barb for a lovely time and for this unique gift.  


12 thoughts on “Brand New Today

  1. how cool is that! what does the verse say? some of it has been chopped off.
    mine is an old new – but one i am anticipating again in due course in the spring 🙂

  2. I have never seen anything like this before; very clever! What kind friends you have. (Of course, it takes one to have one.) 🙂

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