Sparkling Water Spring

 Dropped on the driveway as I was packing  up my car, an unexpected photo op!  
Thank you free dictionary Sprung didn’t look correct but it could have been used 

v. sprang or, often, sprung; sprung; spring•ing; v.i.

1. to rise, leap, or move suddenly and swiftly: a tiger about to spring.

2. to be released suddenly from a constrained position: The door sprang open.

3. to issue forth suddenly or forcefully: Oil sprang from the well.

Or #4. Sparkling water sprang from the can. It sprung a leak.

Citation:   Definitions excerpt –

Random House    Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 thoughts on “Sparkling Water Spring

  1. The spray looks so pretty in the sun. I dropped a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper last night. I hope I don’t get the same effect.

  2. Clever you to capture one of these ‘sprungs’!
    This happened to me this summer too – some soda pop hit the concrete when I was loading up at the grocery store. I picked up the cans to put them into the garbage can. Sprayed pop all over me – had nothing to wipe up the mess. Then had to drive another half hour to get to my destination – where I didn’t have a change of clothes, of course…

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