Mid-Winter Break

Actually we are not even a month into true winter but wanted to tell you the blog will be on mid-winter break for the next week. Will miss you and will catch up with you upon my return.  

Hope the Puzzle People can find a replacement piece for this 1976 USA puzzle. I value New York. 

21 thoughts on “Mid-Winter Break

  1. Have a nice break R- good time for one -hard to believe it is mid January already – I am still processing 2015 – lol – and yes – New York is so important and I hope they can replace the piece – side note on New York – I am going to write the shown Aerial America because when they covered. New York State they left buffalo out! So wrong –

    • I gave blogged daily for 5 1/2 years. This is my first break. Some times it was every 36 hours but I was consistent. Took a vacation and decided to take a blog break too. It was a wonderful vacation. Stay tuned

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