Acquiring Art from Art All Night

To say Art All Night in Lawrenceville is a happening, would be an understatement.  Over a thousand pieces of art are hung and displayed for 24 hours.

No jury, any medium- just ONE piece per artist. No exceptions.

It takes a ton of volunteers to organize, create and support this community event.   Check all the art in, check all the art out.  Make sure the artists get back their artwork.

There’s lots of music, comedy, yoga, mosaic making, live art, children’s activities and T-shirts for sale to wear until next year which will be the twentieth year.

Here’s the great part- thousands of people attend the show.  This year Steve and I went on the peaceful Sunday morning instead of the wild and crazy and heavily populated Saturday night.  An artist friend had taken in my Mill at Night photograph along with his painting. He’d encouraged me to participate again this year.

When I saw the piece below on one of the panels, it spoke to me.  I got the contact information off the tag and called the artist right away.   This afternoon we met at the bookstore in the Waterfront and check out how she packaged her art.



Thanks Jill.  I am thrilled to have your “Corona” in my home.

IMG_3903We exchanged email and contact information and hope to knit together sometime soon.


A gallery from Art All Night so you can get the feel for the event.   Remember my visit was early Sunday morning so it was sparse as far as viewers go but there were plenty of volunteers.


Yep I Impressed My Mom’s Quilting Group by Wendy Coester
Painting by Bill Pfahl


What we saw when we left the exhibit



19 thoughts on “Acquiring Art from Art All Night

  1. Hesh and I know what it means when a piece of art speaks to you. I believe I have a piece of your art hanging in my home that spoke to me. Enjoy your purchase. It looks so so real. (Is it?)

  2. I owned a Smith Corona typewriter I used in college, but it was a “modernized” version. It wasn’t like the beauty in the photo.

    • Hello! I’m the quilter! I just googled my name for fun and saw this! How cool! Thank you for posting this pic here! I’m also on the planning committee for Art All Night and it’s coming up in about a month – 4/29-4/30. Hope you’ll come again this year! See our site at for more info

      • How cool that you found the pic of your fabulous quilt on the blog. Thanks for letting me know. Hope I get to meet you this year.

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.