Sea Turtle Tracks- it’s nesting season!

St.George Island, Florida.

The enormous sea turtles crawl out of the water at night and make their way over the sand to dig a hole and lay their eggs. Keep your porch lights off so the baby turtles  aren’t attracted to the lights and travel in the wrong direction.IMG_2477 2 If you see an actual sea turtle, you shouldn’t get closer than fifty feet. Their nests are called a clutch.


You can see the tracks- their shell making the flat middle and the side tracks from their flippers.    Sea Turtles

IMG_2483IMG_2452St. George Island Sea Turtlers are volunteers who make  the rounds at dawn, checking turtle activity. Marking the nests so people don’t disturb them. says

“St. George Island is one of three barrier islands near the mouth of the Apalachicola River. It often hosts the largest nesting population of Loggerhead Turtles in the northern Gulf of Mexico.”



Information sheet at the rental house about keeping the beach clear of your personal items chairs, toys, tents, rafts etc.from 9 PM – 7 AM.

A tag on items left out overnight.


IMG_2473Dogs and humans walk along the water’s edge.


10 thoughts on “Sea Turtle Tracks- it’s nesting season!

  1. And I remember the turtles in Hawaii ! Very loved ocean animal there! Your photo essay is to interesting and complete!!! Thanks

  2. Pingback: Old Florida - The Florida Native

  3. Pingback: Cape Verde islands bird conservation | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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