Triadelphia West Virginia Car Wash

And a nod to Jackson Pollock at the car wash. Abstract expressionism for sure. I’ve photographed some impressionism at the car wash before today.

I was on my way to Columbus Ohio, stopped for gas at the Sheetz in Triadelphia West Virginia. Do you want a car wash? Y or N?   I thought, why not?  Hit Y.

A code is printed on the receipt and you go get in line across the lot.

Not sure what’s in their soap but the car looked nice and clean once it rinsed off. 

A little break in the monotonous drive on the interstate.  

Oh, then there was the potato chip art, from the bag I’d purchased when I went to the rest room. Lunch.

A Starfish right in the middle of the giant ruffled chip.

An art day, right in Triadelphia, West Virginia.  Who knew?


9 thoughts on “Triadelphia West Virginia Car Wash

  1. Very imaginative photos. I like them. Yes, there are a bit like Jackson Pollock. Thanks.

  2. Sounds like you were as surprised to find art in Triadelphia as I was to learn there was a town called Triadelphia. Who knew? 🙂

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.