Moose Crossing by Dave E

Guest blog by our host Dave E who was finishing   a roof he was putting on- why did the moose cross the road?  To be with his family.

we were just told on our wilderness tour that moose don’t  congregate. Well here are four of them together. A bull (dad) cow (mom) and two calves  (kids)



Last week we saw this sign in Anchorage






5 thoughts on “Moose Crossing by Dave E

  1. Reminds me of an episode of This American Life where the focus was a moose who got drunk off of berries and wandered into the town. Every. Single. Night. The citizens named him Bullwinkle, and he literally had free run of the town (outdoors). People just gave him wide berth. Wild. (Literally.)

    • I heard that story too. It stays with you. There was a bear in an Anchorage cemetery and a moose by the WalMart our taxi driver told us.

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