Cranberries, Granny Smiths and Navel Oranges

I made fresh cranberry relish for Thanksgiving in New York City then realized I wanted to eat it again.  This recipe makes about 6 cups.

A pound of cranberries,rinsed and drained

two Granny Smiths, quartered and cored

two navel oranges cut up

1 cup of sugar

pulse ingredients, one at a time  not to mush or purée  -chopped up, coarsely

mix together in large bowl.  Add sugar




11 thoughts on “Cranberries, Granny Smiths and Navel Oranges

  1. A festive idea. Glad you included the step with a photo of the navel orange. I did not realize you would include that amount of the peel. Going to test out this recipe.

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