Glass Bead Artist in Berlin

C70943ED-8D41-4723-A0C6-627DC2F2E2C4You met Dagmar Bruckner and her husband Gunnar yesterday at  Kiez Eis blogpost.

Here she is in her gallery/store, just around the corner from the ice cream store.

dbeads concept store



Dagmar’s first career was Occupational Therapist but about fifteen years ago while living in Brooklyn, she learned how to make glass beads.

She demonstrated the making of a glass bead. The colored glass rods are from Murano, Italy.

She lit her torch and melted the end of the rod to the consistency of honey, turning it all the time onto a metal tool.


Sometimes she uses a mold to form the bead but most of the time she creates each bead by hand without the mold, so they don’t lose the handcrafted touch.


One of her signature creations is –0A5CBD73-B9EB-4C9A-8A2D-99554BCFA6BA

Tiny pieces of the Berlin Wall inside a single glass bead


Once a month dbeads conceptstore hosts concerts. 9A411027-2EEB-4E56-95E6-B359948DF6A9


Her graphic artist made these bumper stickers with this saying! She gave me a couple to bring home.

658B16B8-8A3B-432D-9AE5-F94D388CEFDCThanks Dagmar for being part of the People at Work Series. She suggested a new project for my next visit to Berlin- Artists at Work!

7 thoughts on “Glass Bead Artist in Berlin

  1. Interesting! The Berlin Wall – still exists? I also have a piece of it – bought there when it just had fallen. Wish I could make such glass beads.

    • The beads are lovely art. The wall is down since 1989 but pieces remain at the East Side Gallery Cool you have a piece -thanks Leya.

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.