A Peek at Iceland on the Way Home

An aisle seat on both legs of my trip from Berlin to Pittsburgh via Reykjavik, meant no window pics-  by me.  Fortunately I had great seatmates.  One guy used my phone to shoot the scene for me and then Maíra captured the view on her phone and texted them to me. I wanted to see what Iceland looked like by day.

Berlin to Iceland- Canadian man who lives in Berlin and works in finance took these


Reykjavik to Pittsburgh photographed  by Maíra B. Software Trainer


Iceland and Pittsburgh Aitports  by me

13 thoughts on “A Peek at Iceland on the Way Home

  1. Pingback: A Peek at Iceland on the Way Home — Ruth E. Hendricks Photography – Smriti Freelancer

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.