Do You Use a Nutcracker?

I can picture a wooden bowl of mixed nuts, all in their shells. A hinged metal nutcracker (sold as a seafood cracking tool, too) at the ready. I can hear the splitting of a walnut shell. The resistance of an almond shell. The Brazil nuts were especially hard to crack.

Seems these days the nuts are already shelled.

I’m pretty sure I still have one in a kitchen drawer. Do you use a nutcracker?

This time of year you see the wooden decorative nutcrackers on a mantle or hanging nutcracker ornaments on a Christmas tree.

Do you use a nutcracker?

10 thoughts on “Do You Use a Nutcracker?

  1. We used nutcrackers on the farm when I was growing up. They can be a bit messy though. I have one in my drawer but only tend to use it to open bottles.

  2. I do have one somewhere in one of my kitchen drawers. And must find it because I just bought 2 bags of nuts in shells for fall decor. Filled a bowl with those and tangerines.

  3. When we were young our family always had a bowl of a variety of nuts during the holidays. I remember the hinged metal nutcracker. I also remember a metal pick, used to pick nuts from the shells, that came with it. We have a set like it here somewhere. We do not have nuts now so we never use it. Another family tradition gone to the ages I am afraid.

  4. When I was a kid the mom of one of my friends always had a big wooden bowl filled with walnuts-in-the-shell in their living room, and 2 silver nutcrackers. (Very streamlined affairs, not like the nutcrackers of the ballet fame.) I still remember cracking those nuts and eating them – less for the taste, more for the uniqueness of the experience.

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