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Analog Clock Faces Smile at 10:10

My old clock fell off the hook and a new battery couldn’t help it recover.

I found this turquoise retro looking kitchen clock last Saturday in Shadyside.  Oh how I love a second hand.   I really like to look at a clock with a face and get a visual as to how much time is left.  Most students like a digital clock for telling time.

My colleague used his Phillips screwdriver to remove the bolted kitchen clock out of the box.  I ‘d bought  it for my classroom.  I never really noticed the time at which the clock was set when we got it out of the box.

Mr. B (Bob) told me that clocks for sale are always positioned at the time of 10:10.  Huh, I had never really noticed that fact. I thought it would make an interesting post to think about.  Maybe everyone else already knows this.  Is it the same in other parts of the world.  I guess 9:09 or 8:08 or 3:03 wouldn’t look as good.

And sure enough there is information all over the internet about it and why. Timex says they set their timepieces at 10:09:36 exactly.

It shows off their name and is symmetrical.  Mental Floss has an article all about the myths and truths of the default setting  10:10 on watches and clocks for sale.

So I started thinking about digital clocks for sale and many of them online for sale are set at 12:34.  Who knew?  This is just something I haven’t thought about.

Thanks Mr. B.  (See Bob and Whiskers 1955 post)   He told me that even a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day!

Here’s the packaging for the kitchen clock for the classroom. You can see the three holes where the clock was screwed into the cardboard.  I thought of going to stores and photographing a multitude of clocks at the 10:10 setting but decided at this time of the school year, one photo of the photo on the packaging would suffice.

(an iPhone photo of a photo on the packaging)



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