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Holiday Spirit on Not My House

Not a sprig of evergreen or a single bulb at my house. Not an angel or a garland or candy cane.

And then I drive by this place!  WHOA.

Serious decorations.  I wonder where they store them the other eleven months.  The traffic must stop as gawkers drive by.  Like me.

By a friend’s special request, the first holiday house spotted and captured at night. Last year, or maybe it was the year before,  I used to drive around and shoot inflatable turkeys and then Santas on rooftops and even an inflatable nativity scene and when I got out of the car I could hear the air blowing.   Somehow I lost interest in this subject matter.  On the way to Virginia, one lawn had 37 inflatables the inhabitants told me.  After that spotting, I just didn’t feel moved to try and capture the blowing hot air filling the bright, colored cloth. Everyone had them on their lawn or so it seemed. I stopped saying, “Holy Cow, I can’t believe that display!” and raise my camera to shoot.

It’s not that I am Scroogella or anything. I enjoy other people’s efforts to brighten the darkness (and sunset comes before 5PM these days), I just got out of the “seeing” the decorations and photographing them. .

But I’m back- what else could I do?  This scene could not be ignored.

These  lights demanded my attention and capture.

Discovered because I went to a CD release party in Regent Square. Who knew it was waiting around the corner?

But then

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