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Did you ever do something really stupid?

Did you ever do something really stupid? Like so stupid you can’t even believe it?

Dumb dumb dumb!

This afternoon I took my warm flannel sheets out of the dryer to change my bed. Stuck with static to the fabric was one of my brand new hand knit socks. Yikes! My eyes hit wide and I couldn’t believe it. I found the mate.

The socks knit from special locally dyed yarn from the Sonoran Desert in Arizona.

They’d been hanging on a towel rack to dry after being lovingly hand washed with a mild soap, carefully rinsed and rolled in a towel to get rid of excess water.

I’d just completed the pair before midnight on Wednesday, wanting to finish in the month of February.

I’d knit them over the course of two months time. Yikes. And I’d bought the yarn two years ago when visiting a friend in Arizona.

Another friend in Pittsburgh was knitting the same pattern with almost the same yarn I’d gotten her. We cast on at the beginning of January. Our own little KAL.(knit along) The four row pattern repeat took me longer than usual to finish the pair. Not my usual mindless knitting. I was so happy they were finished.

How stupid I’d washed and dried these handmade socks in the washing machine and even worse, the DRYER!

I looked at them on top of the dryer and they weren’t exactly toddler sized. Phew!

How did I get so lucky?

and believe it or not, they fit perfectly

Cheryl Griset is the artist who dyed the yarn with plants from the Sonoran Desert. If you’ve followed previous knitting posts, you know I like to buy a skein of souvenir sock yarn when traveling. (Sometimes more than one skein!)

Where I bought the yarn-

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