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Fiber Artist’s Palette- Like an Indoor Garden

Spools and spools of thread. Silk. Cotton.  Metallic.  All colors. Some shimmer. Rich colors.  Waiting to be selected, a length cut and the needle threaded. The embroidery comes alive under the artist’s fingers stitching.  I had asked Joan B if I could photograph her thread as I have another photo from before but today the light was so nice.  She made coffee in a French Press and homemade sticky buns, a Fiesta bowl full of  fresh fruit cut up and mixed with yogurt and honey.  An indoor garden of color! And the little cushioned chair holds the needles and pins.

Colors Create a Feeling

And these invite me
to think Spring.
Sunday night Thunderstorm-
March lions roar a day early.

Wanted some bright color for today's post. Knew where to find it! Joan's studio.
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