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777th POST and Local Man Discovers New Use for Plastic Newspaper Sleeve-

Okay first things first.  Cookie Table preparations are in full swing as you know. The pignoli/almond paste cookies are baked and are they ever tasty. There weren’t any real rejects so a fully formed cookie had to be eaten! And the Split Second cookies with Bonne Maman Apricot Preserves  and Schwartau Raspberry Jam inside.  I overbaked a batch of those last night so baked a do-over today!  The baking is complete. Three friends brought up cookies tonight.Another friend made her grandmother’s fudge. Pittsburghers bake their hearts out at wedding time!

and now for something completely different…………….

Scroll down for the photos of Local Man Discovering a New Use for the Plastic Newspaper SleeveIn addition to the usual canine clean up capture, my neighbor showed me a new use for the plastic sleeve that covers his newspaper. You know the slim bags, sometimes a color like green or pink or blue,  that thing that keeps your morning paper dry! Well, how about protecting your tie?

His demonstration of an alternate use for the plastic sleeve made me laugh out loud.  And if  you want to learn all about how he and his dog were featured testing the Thundershirt and were interviewed by local TV channel(seriously, if you are a dog owner you might need one of these if your dog is afraid of thunderstorms) The little video clip is here.

And being a great neighbor and friend he picked up Matthew from the MEGABUS this afternoon when I was still at school.  When I went to get Matthew, I interrupted a Ukelele impromptu lesson on the  12 fret blues or something close to that.

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