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Not Quite Gilligan’s Island and The Ruins of Something Along Route 28

It was late when I left for home cause I went to photograph the girl’s softball game and

because the Bigelow Blvd. ramp was closed, I had to follow a lengthy detour.

I found myself in bumper to bumper traffic at a standstill on one of the most awful roads- Route 28.         It is ALWAYS under construction.

And there I saw this abandoned boat along the  busy highway.

It took  my mind of my impatience at not being home yet, having to wait.

I wondered how it got there.  To whom did it belong?

It’s like being in a coffee shop and suddenly understanding why someone writing a screenplay is sitting there, working.  A snippet of conversation overheard. You write a script.  You get ideas.

I heard the guy say to the woman at the next table, “You have a certain lyrical unexpectedness.”  (inaudible response from her) Him again, ” I played in a bar last night.”

So what’s the story of the boat?  And the next scene just a few feet later, a few more car lengths down?

or the next scene when the traffic stopped again.  These scenes  just make you wonder.

Or if I hadn’t been stopped, would I have seen them?

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