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Big Dreams

It seems from the emails from friends and followers that and verizon. net are the largest group not receiving my daily post via my gmail account. There are a few others, too.

Even a new email address and a different provider the next time I sent it, for some reason these addresses think the blog post is the processed meat in a little blue can.  (I don’t even want to write the name of it – )

Why after almost four years of daily blog sending it is refusing my emails is something I don’t understand.  No bounced back email, no sign of it in spam.  People have difficulty subscribing to the blog at wordpress, not receiving a confirmation email.    So what changed?  

Did someone get in my email?  I’ve changed all the passwords and there are no signs of compromise that I can detect.  At least a few people wondered what happened to me and others have let me know they are receiving it just fine without a hitch.  Did wordpress change something?  What is suspicious these days?  Who knows.  Seems other wordpressers are in good shape but the email situation is exasperating.  Thanks for your patience. I did read in an article How To Tell if you are Boring Someone, and one tip was –don’t talk about computer problems. Thanks for your input xxooxx  Ruth E.

And the Post Today————————————————————————————————————————————————–

Photographer Martin Weber had a show at Silver Eye Center of Photography called A Map of Latin American Dreams about three and a half years ago.  I remembered the faces of the people he photographed and how he documented their dreams and desires on a small chalkboard in every image.   He is the inspiration for this project.

We used black construction paper and white chalk.  I showed the students his photographs first.  Then talked about dreams.  I encouraged the students to write specifically.

Today I can’t show you the faces of the students who did this project in my Digital Photography Classes but I wanted to share some of their dreams.

We converted all the dream photos into black and white and then made a display in the classroom.  Of course the faces of the students amplify the effectiveness of the composition and evoke emotion but these are just the handwritten dreams of a select few students as we come to the close of the school year (last day for me June 17th)

This could be a good project for many levels of students  These are 9-12th graders.  I wrote down my dream, too.


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