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Millennium Falcon Wish Comes True 30 Years Later

When Mark was four or five all he wanted was the Millennium Falcon.

It was the one toy of childhood he truly longed for and did not receive. Oh how he wanted it!  He LOVED Star Wars.

And I looked at it all those years ago and thought it was a lot of money at the time for a big hunk of plastic (at least that is how I remember it)  So I didn’t buy it for him. Obviously, this topic has resurfaced over the years.

This past January I happened to sit next to a nice man and his wife at a friend’s 60th Surprise Birthday Party.  We were chatting and he said he owned a Vintage Toy store- Where the Toys Are  in Canonsburg PA.

“By any chance do you have a Millennium Falcon?”,  I asked.

“Why, yes!”, he said he thought he did AND sure enough he emailed me and sent me photos.  His friend (the 60th birthday guy was his childhood friend) delivered it right to my home (in the original box!)  in February and I was so excited.

I kept it until Mark’s birthday but it was really hard to keep the surprise.  I asked Matthew if he thought Mark would be happy to get it  after all this time and he said he thought so and sure enough, look at Mark’s face in this photo.

A couple of weeks ago the Where the Toys Are man and his wife and the 60th Birthday man and his wife were in Zagreb and they called me on their cell phone  from a 300 year old bar and I got to hear Matthew playing guitar and singing, 4550 miles away from Pittsburgh! Happy Happy Happy all around. 

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