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A Happy Valentine from 2007, Found While Cleaning

This photo and note were sent to me in 2007 by my dear friend Dorothy Holley.

I found it today (Valentine’s Eve?) while cleaning a desk I rarely use. It was a lovely find as Dorothy passed in June 2010.

I included her note on the back, telling how she took it through a window and a screen.

Now and then I see one in my yard, too. Cardinals look stunning against the evergreen by my porch, especially in the snow. Dorothy loved the birds and waited to capture this picture.

She was a good encourager to me.

Placed her Valentine’s photo on red paper to take a shot with my phone to share with you.

If you’ve followed the blog, you’ve “met” Dorothy before.The Quart Jar Poet film is for sale as a fundraiser for Madwomen in the Attic, Carlow University.

And here’s a poem by Liane Ellison Norman about Dorothy’s iris.

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