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The Newspaper said “Little to no accumulation…” but-

A friend called and invited me for a slice of cherry pie for President’s Day. Hot tea.  I walked down the hill wrapped up in hats and scarves and boots.  A good thing-  I couldn’t believe it when I came out of her front door two  hours later and the snow had accumulated and was piling up.  That 60 degree weather on Saturday and now this? YIKES.  I trudged home, shoveled the walk and it’s blowing and snowing and really cold.  The snow was wet and heavy and a 2 hour delay has been called already for school.  How they will clear all the streets before the school buses head out is a puzzle to me.   (edit 5:30 AM.  All schools are CLOSED!  At least they didn’t wait to call it at 7 when everyone is already there.  My friend just called, teaches instrumental music  and gave me the news auf Deautsch singing Schnee Tag )

Not Spring Yet!

It isn’t that we aren’t ready for the crocus
and blossoms.
We got an unexpected snowstorm.
Shoveling again. And again.
Burrowing in the flannel sheets.
Florida friends, I am thinking of you!

Back to bed.

View from my friend's front porch as I started my walk home up the hill.

Heard from many friends and family who knew and loved Lori today.  And from friends who didn’t know her but were touched by her story and loving image with Fredi.  I tried to write back little notes of thank you to those who emailed or posted and I told her sister Sara about the overwhelming response but she can’t bear to look at it right now, understandably. A sad day.

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