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Where’s Noah in the Plateful of Paleo Supper?

The phone rang after six.  My eldest son was on business and saw a sign that said Pittsburgh 35 miles, so he cancelled his hotel reservation and drove to the city.  (So that is why his wife called earlier to see what I was doing)YIKES!  I was boiling a pot of water for some Spinach Ravioli but Mark is on the Paleolithic diet these days. No grain!  The tiredness I felt from a school day dissipated as I got in the car and drove the two miles to the Whole Foods Market where I bought some Grass Fed Beef, Organic Garnet Yams, (I had two zucchini at home and a jar of coconut oil which I hadn’t even tried yet) and got back home to fire up the broiler, pronto! Got out the cast iron skillet for the zucchini slices, chopped up some romaine I had already washed and drained. Pulled it together in no time at all. As I set the dining room table he said he would rather eat in the kitchen so we did.And there we were eating in the kitchen and the house came alive again.  We used his iPad and Face Time to talk with the kids before they went to bed and we had a happy time together.

VOILA- a quick Paleo approved meal- this is the son who baked the Carrot Cake, Paleo Style.

For dessert we had coconut milk frozen Mint Chip with No Sugar Added.

From the Paleo Food website gluten-free, grain-free, bean-free, potato-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free. (they are eating some dairy still)

Ingredients used: meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruit, berries, mushrooms, herbs and spice seeds.
Oh yes,after dinner he showed me the you tube of Derek Redmond and his father from the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona.  Tears rolling down my cheeks. Mark said he wants to be that kind of father.   And he also played me a couple of Seekers songs as he remembers my cassette tape of them singing Someday, One Day, 
Right now he is sleeping  in the room across the hall, to get up at 5 AM to get to somewhere in Ohio, early.  I feel fortunate.  
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