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Born on the Fourth of July, 1952, Brooklyn New York

But I really grew up in New Jersey.  New York always sounded better to me and I have held onto that fact all these years. Joisey, the Garden State, just didn’t seem as cool.

Yes, it is my sixtieth birthday today.  YIKES!  We were supposed to drive to Roanoke VA but power outages from the bad storm last Friday knocked that plan out!   You’ve seen a lot of my life these past three years on the blog.  The art room adventures, some knitting, my pleasure in the eating and making of food, my family, the city, my travels, and as Arlene says, the ordinary- making it interesting!

I have been talking about turning sixty since I turned fifty-nine last year.  Go figure.

My friend Mary Ann told me someone asked her if she was afraid to turn sixty and she told me  her response was, “I’m afraid to NOT turn sixty”  Many are denied the chance.

If you are born on the Fourth of July you receive a lot of red, white and blue presents. One has to post a little red white and blue on the Fourth of July so here are the two free marzipan macarons you receive when you buy the dozen at Jean-Marc in Millvale*

And here is my mom holding me. My cousin Paul sent me this photo last year at Christmas and it is the only baby photo I really have of myself.  Looks like I was bottle fed.  How about that wallpaper?

And then there is this prize winner of my wonderful haircut and chubby cheeks, I think I was  three,  This picture is stuck in one of those “magnetic” photo albums- meaning nasty glue that ruins your photo and you can’t remove it- EVER.

And here is what I looked like last week in the heat at the Pirates Game in Pittsburgh with  my three year old granddaughter Maura. A nice woman filling the ketchup dispenser came over and asked it I wanted her to take it of us.  She enjoyed seeing Maura enjoy her cone and I had photographed her eating it (of course).  I don’t get in many photos which is just as well at this point. But when I think about what makes me happy in my life, my family is at the top of the list. I am fortunate indeed.

Here is a picture a first grader drew of me last year which I photographed on my phone. I am so glad I documented this artwork cause on the rough days and the long days of teaching art in the city, I can read her inscription at the bottom.

 Ms. Hendricks is my hero.

It doesn’t get any better than that!

And I found this next photo in New York City when I visited my sister a couple months ago. Once I was visiting a family friend, Naomi,  in a home and she said told me how she would think of all she was grateful for in her life and when she focused on a theme of gratitude she just couldn’t  feel bad about anything. I remember her words and she died shortly after the visit.  It is easy to forget to be grateful.  Once I read about  thinking three things you are grateful for each day, right before you go to sleep and I try to remember.

I am grateful to my family, friends, fellow bloggers and followers and wonderful commenters who have encouraged me in my photography, blogging and writing.

Today is a very happy birthday!   I am surrounded by my family who love me.

Thanks everyone. (And Happy Birthday Suzanne who shares the date!)

*Here is a shot of Millvale,PA  taken the day I bought the macarons!

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