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My Grandmother Grew Cosmos

At the Farmer’s Market,  I saw bunches of Cosmos and my grandmother Hendricks came to mind.

She used to grow them. I bought a bouquet and put them in a vase.

They just look “old fashioned” to me.

This is the grandmother who taught me to knit. My father’s mother.

When I was at Laura and James house,  I took this photo of the tag on the afghan they have in their living room.

Her name was Mary Alta but she went by Alta.  I have never met anyone else named Alta.

My appreciation for all things handmade  and knit was passed down.

Recently I was led to open the back of her Book of Common Prayer and found this list in her hand.

Here is a list of 26 afghans she knit for others when she was in the Nursing Home in Taylorville Illinois.

I’m Ruthie, Mark is my son and Marian is my Mother and “Roy’s Mary” is my sister.

My sister-in-law Bobbie, sent this afghan below (one my grandmother made) to Laura and James. An heirloom gift

The blue one is the one she made for me.  Her knitting is just beautiful.

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