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Raisins- Yes or No?

My friend Bill’s sister used to make him a raisin pie. I believe it was for his birthday.  One time I made raisin filled cookies for him once he told me. He would be a YES on the raisin question.

And then there is the NO response to Raisins- Yes or No?

I have a friend who prefers oatmeal cookies without raisins in them. Not sure if he dislikes raisins or just in cookies.

The other day on Zoom virtual knitting group we were talking about pick-up  bakery items available at Jean Marc Chatellier French Bakery in Millvale.  You can order via phone and pick up baked goods between 10-1, different items available different days. Then someone in our Zoom Virtual Knitting group asked if the Apple Strudel made by Jean-Marc had raisins in it.(no was the answer)  Another participant said they hoped the apple strudel didn’t have  raisins in it because “Raisins are the Devil’s Candy!” I’d never heard of that expression before. Have you? Sure enough when I googled I found a 2015 blog post with that very title.  Oh my. A rant agains the lowly raisin? Who knew?

Last week a reader objected to the rice pudding with raisins in it when I posted a few days ago.  Yes to the Rice Puddings but No to the Raisins.

Ready to make Raisins Filled Cookies . Raisins plumped by covering with boiling water.

April 30 is National raisin day

And the story of the image of the Maid on the Raisin box who passed away in 1983

So which is it-

Raisins. Yes or No?



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