Shillelagh Maker in Pittsburgh PA

People at Work.  Meet Shillelagh maker, Mr. Patrick Byrne.   Today I got invited to his workshop, Byrne Shillelaghs,  to photograph him making a shillelagh.  Irish Walking Sticks, right here in Pittsburgh.  Made to order.  I got to see a work in progress- A Thumb Stick.  His custom designs are gorgeous.  I saw an authentic thorn stick too, with the thorns still protruding from the column of wood.

We met because we both donated our artistic creations to the Kidney Gift of Life Gala.

Shillelagh makerCustom Branding, Embedded Coins, Gems, Nameplates are all a possibility when ordered your custom made shillelagh.  Here is Pat Byrne holding one made of hard maple.

Here is Mr. Byrne, holding the shillelagh that was given to him by a man who said, “You’re Irish aren’t you?” and went into his house and brought this out and gave it to him as a gift. This first shillelagh started his thinking, I could make this!   And he does, beautifully.  His son does the art work and branding on the shillelaghs and made one with a Celtic knot carved design that was stunning.

12 thoughts on “Shillelagh Maker in Pittsburgh PA

  1. A great “teaser” for your upcoming show!!!! XOXO Better shillelaghs than canes — tho they serve a
    very important purpose!

  2. You are right – they are gorgeous. We’re going to Maine for some hiking, I could sure use one.

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.