Ruth E Hendricks Photography

Attended first class at Silver Eye Center for Photography on Carson St with Wedding Photographer John Craig.

Must answer fifteen questions for homework!

Who is my audience for this blog?

Brevity seems key.

Why blog?  Get the word out about my work, what’s new and “use time wisely” during time off from school.

Thinking about entering possible shows. One about all things mechanical and the other about childhood.  Submitted for the G20 exhibition.

Doing something with purpose seems essential.  OR why bother?

Are readers “blogged out”?

One thought on “Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  1. Rutie, Looked at all your pics.What a way to start my day-with a smile.Thanks for bringing joy to my day.Your pictures filled me up.

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.