Jeffrey Brunner’s Artwork a Hit at the Shower- Photo by Guest Blogger Toni K

The minute I saw this painting, I knew it would be perfect in the nursery.

My friend and blog follower Toni K. took this photograph Saturday 5-30-15 at the shower.  Thanks for sending it.

Here’s Laura with the Night Forest Elephant and Bird piece I bought at the PERSAD Art for Change 2015 Auction.

Jeffrey Brunner of Hey Beast Studio in Pittsburgh is the artist! He’ll have a booth at the Three Rivers Art Festival next week.


Photograph taken by Toni K at the shower

Laura is sporting the gift of Chewbeads that double as a necklace and a teething ring for baby…..Thanks Marlene!


You can see Maura and my SIL James in the reflection 

(Note to self: photograph art without glass)

And here it the book I bought with the stunning illustrations by Mr. Brunner.

Available at ETSY


One more fun illustration by Jeffrey Brunner
