Texas Breakfasts

Friday and Saturday mornings- starts of the day in Texas

The vibrant colors seemed a cheerful welcome to Saturday’s Wedding Celebration. Top two taken with the Canon 50D

Fruit and flowers

This was a Angel’s Lodge Above the Creek

Fruit and flowers

and the photograph below with breakfast on the colorful Fiestaware was taken at the bride’s parents’ home Friday morning. Everything seemed bigger and brighter than what I’ve been experiencing all winter.



breakfast in Texas on Fiestaware

photographed with the iPhone


5 thoughts on “Texas Breakfasts

  1. The colors really do seem bright, Ruth. Maybe it’s because all we’ve seen is white and now brown for months. Green is just starting to take hold, however. Spring is on the rise. 🙂

  2. The colors in these images are FANTASTIC! Totally brightened up my very gray day (outside; my heart is still light and bright). 🙂

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