Anna Lapwood #playlikeagirl

We waited patiently in line with the drizzle and wind as there were 900 + attendees for the organ concert Friday night.

Organ Artists Series of Pittsburgh and Music at St.Michael the Archangel Parish Mt. Lebanon presented organist

Anna Lapwood MBE (who is Director of Music at Pembroke College (Cambridge)

She spoke about the pieces she was going to play. She played Ave Maria with her feet on the Casavant -Frères, Opus 2641 organ.

Here she is on YouTube video speaking about Ave Maria

And for an encore she played Test Drive from How to Train Your Dragon (click link to hear her play)

Her hashtag is#playlikeagirl click for Instagram

There’s nothing like live music.

4 thoughts on “Anna Lapwood #playlikeagirl

  1. WOW. Watched the video with Gonzo’s Sister and we both were amazed. I immediately asked Alexa to play more. Thanks for sending this one. It’s a winner. dc

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