Cee’s Black and White Challenge

I’ve followed Cee’s blogposts for tears https://ceenphotography.com/2019/05/16/cbw-hands-feet-or-paws/ Click to see her gallery of Black and White photos with Gsnds or Feet or Paws.

Her photography is excellent- she inspires the blogging community, and compiles links of host challenges created by other bloggers all over the world. When WordPress stopped the Weekly Photo Challenges feature, Cee’s challenges (Oddball, Flower and B & W  to name a few) prompt thousands of posts around the Internet.

Cee’s colorful Flower posts have always cheered me on many a gray winter day.

Cee visits my blog, clicks the like button and leaves a good word for me.

Then on another blog-Lingering Visions– I read the posted photo was prompted by Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge. Hands feet or paws. Both bloggers prompted me to post my Hands, Feet or Paws photo.

This 2016 wedding pic, taken in Austin Texas, (thank you Anna, Aric and Champ) has both hands and paws