15 thoughts on “How do you feel about ironing?

  1. I have one too but cannot remember using it in years….maybe for sewing…..certainly not on my clothes. Ditto on the memories of the ironing basket

  2. I still iron my pillowcases, tablecloths & napkins and a few shirts.
    When I was a little girl, my mother took laundry in the summer from the local hotel guests & bungalow colonies. She most of the musicians ruffled shirts because no one did them better than Eleanor.

  3. I hate to see things like this thrown out. I love to iron, so satisfying to see something all wrinkled turn into a nice crisp object.

  4. I have those same memories. We used to have a mangle and my grandmother, who lived with us, would mangle the sheets and pillow cases.

  5. I find a good DVD to watch when I am motivated to iron several items. Time goes by quickly and the summer skirts look so much better.

  6. Hate to see this ironing board thrown out: MA has one that she used to have behind her couch as a sofa table and I always loved that look.
    I also love to iron….and I, too, started with my Dad’s handkerchiefs.
    Just how do little boys/girls learn to iron today? As Piraino stated, I love seeing those wrinkles come out!! 🙂

  7. Tuesday was ironing day for my mother. She washed clothes on Monday and ironed on Tuesday.
    I still have her original ironing board.

  8. Ironing… who knew??? 🙂 These comments are wonderful …. a mangle, yes! Ours was huge, in the basement, Mom did large tablecloths! Monday wash. Tuesday iron! I learned how to iron a man’s shirt by watching Mom iron each week in the kitchen!! Not sure I remember the order now!! “Sprinkling” the clothes!! I have an ironing board too – using as a table! Remembering… when the surface cover got badly scorched, it had to be replaced (by another cotton sheet) and pinned underneath because the board was specially padded – not just used from the store! 🙂

  9. We had a mangle, too, but never remember it being used. It was stored in my childhood closet. I iron a lot in the summer due to linen and cotton stuff. Don’t mind doing it – a tad or Chardonnay always helps!!

  10. I, too, remember my mother washing on an old ring washing machine in the basement, hanging the clothes on the line outside to dry and then put into a basket for ironing on Tuesday. I always felt honored that I was asked to iron the handkerchiefs! I never thought my 34-year-old son would ever learn to iron but the Army made both an ironer out of both he and his dad! The creases had to be just so so!

  11. I just can’t believe you take your camera on the short walk to the market!! However, it really shouldn’t surprise me!!! And, I quit ironing on a board because I hate having to put it up and take it down. I use my bed!!

  12. Ditto to remembering my mother washing, hanging clothes, sprinkling, ironing, the mangle, etc. My daughter in law irons a lot. She enjoys it I think. Hate to admit it, but I never iron at all! (I kind of hand iron certain things.)

  13. Ironing is a chore. I love how crisp and neat a blouse or shirt looks when the time is spent to iron it. I too loved to iron pillow cases and hankies when I was a kid.

  14. Do not like ironing. I have an ironing board built into the wall in my kitchen. It has a little door over it. Unfortuately ,it only comes up to right above my knees.Tiny people must built my house. I hang art on the door.

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