Old Homestead and a Stone Chimney Via Marlene- Hardy, Virginia

It’s a Guest Blog today. This gallery could be a good writing prompt, too.  You know there’s a story.  Probably more than one story.

And you know when someone sends me photos and they say they saw something and it made them think of me and the blog, it’s a nice feeling. Marlene (Erika’s mother and Mark’s MIL) wrote from Hardy, Virgina with the accompanying photos she took on a walk with Donald.
Glad you had your cell phone along on your walk, Mar.


“We saw this fireplace chimney in the woods so we ventured up the hill.  There was a stone outline of where the old homestead was.  There were a bunch of mason jars all over so we figured kids with moonshine would sit around the fireplace and drink.   Way behind the chimney we saw another old house.  So we walked through the leaves to the other house.”

Chimney in the Virginia Woods





old Virginia Homestead





old house





side of old house




old house interior





old house interior


“After checking out the side of the house I walked around to the front door and there I saw the front door was padlocked.  

It was so funny because the exterior wall was missing on the side.”




Thanks Marlene for the gallery of the old Homestead in Virginia,

Ruth E