Bagpipes and Drums Celebrate 174th Saint Andrew’s Festival

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St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Highland Park, Pittsburgh.  174th Patronal Festival.

What the Rector said in the neighborhood List Serve  “November 20, the people of St. Andrew’s observe our patronal festival, the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, with festive services including, at 11 a.m., our good friends of the Syria Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band.  The bagpipes will begin in front of the church at about 10:45 and will play as well during the service.
A festive reception after features a traditional Pittsburgh cookie table . .”  I saw a woman enter the Parish Hall with a square plaid tin of butter biscuits.  Sorry to miss the cookie table. One of the bagpipers came 140 miles today. They practice once a month.

If you want to check out all things Scottish in Pittsburgh including the Syria Highlanders click here