Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

2013 Word of the Year- Selfie.  WordPress’ Cheri Lucas Rowlands posted the challenge with the example of herself reflected in an art work/sculpture.

Selfies are the thing for high schoolers.  It’s really their favorite subject to shoot. Themselves!

And I have a few of myself on file.  Here is an article written by Dan Zak in the Washington Post about Selfies

Duck Tour ReflectionJust Ducky Tour Reflection in Side View Mirror

selfie at Sunseri in StripHaving lunch alone at Sunseri’s in the Strip District.  Tuna Balsamic with onion on baguette ad a ginger ale.

selfie in lawn ball

Me in my lawn ball in the snow

me at work me at work (school) in sweater Erika gave me

hand knit socksMy hand knit socks( by self)  on my big feet.