Jack Runs to First Base AND Guest Blogs

This is Jack. You might remember him as Superman just a few months ago. The red cape is folded up and put away these days. He’s headed for Kindergarten in the fall. How quickly they grow up.
Photo one is Wednesday night T-Ball game between the Mets and the Yankees. Shooting into the sun.

And for the guest blog portion of today’s post………

Photo two- Jack set up the sock monkeys for a photo in his dad’s chair.

He took it with the iPhone with no help from me. He told me “they smiled real good”. The kids see me photographing and it is something they want to do. He took three shots.

14 thoughts on “Jack Runs to First Base AND Guest Blogs

  1. Oh, he’s a natural. Whether in his cape or uniform, Jack is still super. Just look at his form. Thanks for sharing.


  2. I don’t know what to say. Both blogger and guest blogger have wonderful pictures today. Ruth E you are an awesome teacher!

  3. Great = both photos! Jack is really making tracks: the Mets must be glad he is on their team!!!! xoxox

  4. Loved this action post!! Tell me you made a mistake he can not be starting school in the fall,wasn’t he just born yesterday?? 🙂

  5. Hey Ruth catching up on the blog and these shots are two of my favorite. Please thank Jack for sharing his great shot, and for scoring no doubt : )

  6. I love how cute Jack looks with the big ol’ helmet jostling around on his little head; and I LOVE how he set up a shot with the monkeys! It’s amazing what kids pick up on, and what they can do all by themselves…

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