Zamboni at Ice Castle

Castle Shannon ,PA.

Castle Shannon Boulevard.

Ice Castle Arena.   I’d driven around in the dark in unfamiliar territory, spending a few minutes on Castle Road, a reidential neighborhood  NOT the right castle.


Here is Zamboni on Ice after the second period.

One of my students plays on the Carrick team and invited me to come and watch and bring my camera.  I sent his mom the photos I took of him but am posting this one of the Zamboni driver, grooming the ice for the third period.

Or resurfacing as they say in the biz.

Zamboni biz.  Kudos to Frank Zamboni (1901-1988) who invented this mighty machine.

Click here  for his photo and the Zamboni story.


Zamboni on IceOne for my People at Work Series

5 thoughts on “Zamboni at Ice Castle

  1. I see this every weekend. Both of my daughters play hockey.
    So nice that you went to one of your student’s hockey games. You’re a wonderful teacher & an even more wonderful person!
    I sent the schedule to a few of the teachers that requested it. Hope to see one , two, or there…there sometime during the season. I know the girls would be happy if any of them did stop by to catch a game.

  2. Several years ago Bradley had the training and frequently drove the Zamboni at Rink Side Sports in Gurnee, IL. He loved it and I was jealous.

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.