JFK- Man of the Sixties

My father went to JFK’s inauguration- took a train to DC in the bitter, cold weather. This button is one of the souvenirs he brought back home.

In 1963 I was in sixth grade. I remember it like yesterday .





5:30 AM edit

My son Mark just sent me the following photos of my father’s memorabilia he has at his home in Ohio.  I am adding them to the post now.

He is looking for the photos he has of the grandchildren at the Arlington gravesite.

JFK Inauguration memorabilia


Mark had all of his grandfather’s JFK memorabilia




Inauguration ticket JFK













put into a frame.

JFK gravesite




Life MAgazine Cover JFK



21 thoughts on “JFK- Man of the Sixties

  1. We have been watching a series about JFK. I still remember where I was when I heard on the RADIO that he had been killed. It was such a shock.

    • Thanks Lorraine, I just added some more photos of my father’s JFK memorabilia my son sent if you get time to revisit the blog. I appreciate your looking and writing!

  2. I was in grammar school when JFK was shot and sat on our sofa watching Oswald get shot. Fifty years later and I’m still shocked by it all.

    • Thanks John. My son just sent me photos of my father’s JFK inauguration memorabilia if you want to revisit the post later. Yes, it is an indelible memory of the shock.

  3. I was in high school and we were dismissed early. Everyone was scared a war was going to start. We were all in shocked at the events. We were all glued to the TV. A sad time in our nations history.


    • Thanks for your visit today Francine and for leaving a nice comment of you memories. Mark just sent me photos of the inaugural memorabilia from my dad which I added to the post if you want to see it later.

  4. My Mim told me we were living in New York at the time she heard the news, I was four months old. Even though we were Canadian, they were devastated.

  5. I was in the eighth grade at Perry High School (7-12) and they DIDN’T tell I us. I stayed for an after school cooking club. When we were cleaning the room after cooking, I glanced out the window and saw the flag was at half mast. I turned to my teacher and said, “Why is the flag at half mast?” She didn’t answer me. I took two buses to get home and the streets were deserted. Everywhere I went was eerily quiet and empty. When I walked in the door to my home, I saw my parents glued to the TV.

  6. I saw JFK – think it was in 1961 – passing by in a convertible by Point Park University in downtown Pittsburgh. Very close – and he looked like they say — glowing. I was 20 years old fifty years ago and was at Duquese University. Terrible shock!!!

  7. What an amazing piece of history your dad was able to be a part of. I understand why remembering the tragedy of JFK is ‘important’; I just wish people would honor and remember the good parts of his life with such vigor, too.

  8. I loved the pictures of the souvenirs. I was in band class tuning up with my bandmates when Mr. D walked in and told us. So sad

  9. I was 14 years old and in high school working in the nurse’s office. We had the radio on and that’s how I found out. They let the whole high school and teachers go home. I really think everyone was in shock. Ruth, I really thought Mark’s display of JFK memorabilia was fascinating and I bet your dad enjoyed every minute of being there for the inauguration. I hope we never have to go thru another Presidential assassination!

  10. Wonderful post. I remember seeing your Dad’s memorabilia at Mark’s house, treasures.

  11. Pingback: JFK Gravesite Photos via My Son Mark | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

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